Evergreen Virtual Assistants

What is a VA?

First, the foundation of any agency is having good staff.  No… let me upgrade that statement: … a great staff!  The difference between you and the "other guy" that has the same carriers and the same rate is... YOU and YOUR staff.  Having this type of staff should be the ultimate goal.

Your new “office staff” (VA) will become that type of person working for you day after day.  Continuing the relationships that you have worked so hard to build with your clients.  They will be another set of hands with the same goals that you have

Still not sure if this is for you?  Read on for more details.

Hiring a virtual assistant is not as far fetched as it was once considered.  Here at Evergreen we provide you and your agency with a trained and competent person to work for you.  They report to work at their scheduled time and are available to complete agency tasks.

Yes.  We have been using VA’s for a very long time and have found that with the vetting process that we have built… we have had a very good experience selecting top quality individuals to work for us.  There's still good people out there! 

Our VA’s are looking to build a long term relationship with you, your agency and getting to know your clients the same way they would sitting at a desk in your office.  So the answer is no… we do not consider this a temporary position.

That is another very good question.  When it comes to selecting a company to hire an assistant… We are one of the top choices for insurance agencies.  And the reason being that our background is insurance.  With the decades of experience that we have hiring, training, motivating and retaining staff… This was the next logical step for us.

We only service the insurance industry and this industry is our main focus.  Let us help you grow your agency.